Sunday, September 27, 2009

Early Morning Funnies

Me: I think you guys gave me your colds.

Ben: *sniffs experimentally* No, I still have mine!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Best Shot Monday - boat ride

Ben enjoying a boat ride on the weekend before Labor Day. Looks just about perfect to me!

Check out more great shots when you visit Tracey over at Best Shot Monday.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Ten on Tuesday - the back to school edition

1. Today was a busy day for most of the household. It was my first day of school with students, Ben's first day of Montessori, and Claire's -2nd day of kindergarten (kindergarteners don't start back at school until Thursday, but she went today to help her teacher show the new 3 year olds the classroom routines).

2. When Ben woke up he didn't even make it all the way down the stairs (he saw me in the hallway) before he ran back upstairs to put on his clothes for the first day.

3. He was most excited about his new "cool" shoes (sorry Uncle Brandon, they're not fancy anymore). So excited that after taking off his pajamas and running to the bathroom, he came back naked, and started putting his socks on. I did manage to talk him into putting on his clothes before his socks and shoes.

4. When I picked Ben up he told me he met lots of new friends. According to him, he met a girl named Christopher, a boy named Benjamin wearing the same shoes (Brian guesses he met him in a mirror), and a boy named traffic light. So pretty much everything he said is suspect.

5. Claire said she was very helpful, but that there were lots of people to help, so she got to spend some time doing her own work. She brought home two bracelets that she made, one sewn, and one beaded, and some coloring including a picture labeled "me and mi famle".

6. After school we went to get a "treat". Ben opted for the coffee shop and got some of "Nonni's favorite cookies", I got a pumpkin spice latte, and Claire chose ice cream from Cold Stone (I still can't believe that Ben chose the coffee shop over ice cream).

7. I was planning on asking Claire for a bite of her ice cream until she made her choices. Cotton candy ice cream (blue) with mini marshmallow mix-ins. No thanks.

8. Brian didn't have a special first day of anything, but he did a good job finishing packing the lunches (he was responsible for the PB&Js, and taking some pictures before they left.

9. He did, however, turn Ben's name tag in to the front office with the paperwork instead of actually putting it on our child.

10. All in all a good first day for everyone.