Friday, November 02, 2007


Did you know that November is National Blog Posting Month? So in the spirit of the season, I am playing along this year, which means that I will make every attempt to post every day in November.

My sister suggested that I could post a photo a day, but I don't want to intrude on her gig. Or gigs. But chances are if I'm going to be posting every day there may be lots of photos ahead.

However for today, I share with you a conversation Ben and I had the other day. We were looking at letters.

Me: Aaaaahhh, aaaaahhh, aaaaapple.
Ben: Aaaaahhh, aaaaahhh, bapple!
Me: Bbbbbb, bbbbbb, Benjamin.
Ben: Bbbbbb, bbbbbb, Cware!

I think he may not quite understand yet.

Two days down, only 28 to go. Yahoo.

PS - If you don't understand the text that goes with the image, check out LOLCats.

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