Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Ten on Tuesday

I'm trying to do NaBloPoMo again this year, so I stole this idea for Tuesdays from my sister.

  1. I started my morning by climbing out of bed, pulling on some clothes, making coffee, and heading to the polls. I was in line 20 minutes before they opened, and home 25 minutes after. Not too shabby. I hope you voted, too!
  2. Yesterday and today were teacher work days - it is relaxing to be there when the building is quiet and people are feeling industrious. Back to the real world tomorrow, though.
  3. I like having it be light out when I'm on my way to work. Makes me feel better about starting my day.
  4. Our kittens switch regularly from being spastic to being fast asleep. Crazy kittens.
  5. I love how Ben looks at and talks to the cats. He will say in this high pitched voice, "hi catty-cat! Catty-cat! How are you?" If they go anywhere near him, or let him pet them he turns to me and says, "aww, she loves me!" SOOOO cute!
  6. I have started Christmas shopping. Go me!
  7. I have not shopped for the birthday party we have to attend this weekend. Boo!
  8. My job is sometimes frustrating, but sometimes very gratifying. I really like the people I work with which makes a huge difference.
  9. I am loving the fall colors outside right now. I really need to get my camera and just have it with me all the time. Often as I'm driving I see an amazing tree - just incredible color or shape or contrast - and wish I could stop and take a picture.
  10. I have been teaching the same staff development class (a class for other teachers) for over 5 years. I think that this year I am doing a better job with it than I ever have - I don't know why, but all of a sudden I am filled with lots of new ideas and enthusiasm for the content. It feels good.

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